Richard and Lois, our esteemed friends and Canvas Network collaborators from Bristol, UK, have recently launched an inspiring new initiative, 'Pioneering Chaplaincy'. We invite you to learn more about their new project.
At the end of June we were excited to launch ‘Pioneering Chaplaincy’, a new initiative offering chaplaincy training, mentoring and coaching, nationally throughout the UK. We will be starting our first training course in September and are already supporting a couple of people with our mentoring programme.

The Course – Our training course ‘Exploring Chaplaincy’, provides an understanding of the modern day ministry of chaplaincy. It also explores how chaplaincy differs from other ministries, the theology of chaplaincy and the practical application of what chaplains actually do.
Mentoring – Helping chaplains in their personal development and growth through our bespoke person-led mentoring programme.
Coaching – A 12 month programme aimed at supporting the establishment of new innovative chaplaincy solutions, with a focus on pioneering, strategic thinking and leadership.
We would love you to check out our website and to pass this onto anyone who you think might be interested in exploring chaplaincy further –