Since becoming a Christian over forty years ago, I have sensed a call to prayer. Over those years, I have studied the Bible and read books on different kinds of prayer.

In more recent times I have focused some of my time to contemplation and silence, in order to listen to God’s voice. I would like to share some practical steps and insights around the topic of Listening Prayer with you.
Luke 5:16 - 'But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray.'
Matthew 14:23 - 'And after he had dismissed the crowds, he went up on the mountain by himself to pray. When evening came he was there alone.'
Jesus found a place to be alone, it was important for him to see what his Father was doing and to hear what He was saying.
It is good for us to find a place where we can be alone with God.
For me, my place has changed over the years with my changing environments. At one time it was an armchair in my front room, with a cushion (pillow) I put my head on while I knelt on the floor at 5.30am before anyone else was awake.
Presently I have the use of an old chapel and since I have retired I go there 5 mornings a week at 7:30am.
The place should be somewhere you feel you can connect with God. Some people like to be outdoors in nature, for one young mother the only place was in her car in the drive before anyone was awake. If our desire is to seek God we will find a place.
I take my bible with me because God isn’t going to tell me anything that doesn’t line up with His word. (Psalm 119:105)
I also take my journal, I have kept a prayer journal for over 40 years and it is so good to look back at how God has been faithful to answer prayer. It also is a way to check if I am obeying the things He has already spoken to me. (Habakkuk 2:2)
I don’t take my phone into my quiet place, I don’t want any distractions. In this age of online bibles, I suggest using a paper bible for this time. The Holy Spirit can reveal verses to us and if we can’t find what we are looking for we can write it down and search for it later.
I personally don’t listen to music as I find it distracting, if music helps you to connect with God then I suggest using an instrumental track.